Medical Care

Medical Care

Applicable international standards

This standard has been developed to meet the requirements of Medical Care as contained in Section A-VI/4, Table A-VI/4-2, Chapter VI of the STCW Code.

Standard of competence

The training in Medical Care is for every seafarer who is designated to take charge of medical care on board Seagoing Vessels. The objective of the training is so that seafarers who are designated to take charge of medical care can take immediate and effective action to manage all accidents or illness likely to occur on board, as well as managing those who may assist them.

Objectives and outcomes

  • Provide medical care to the sick and injured while they remain on board;
  • Care for a casualty who could be suffering from various injuries or a disease;
  • Administer general nursing principles and care to a casualty;
  • Administer basic dental care;
  • Understand the basics of disease prevention and good hygiene;
  • Keep records of all medical care and first aid administered to a casualty or sick seafarer;
  • Participate in coordinated external schemes for medical assistance to ships such as:
  • Obtaining, interpreting and administering ‘Radio Medical Advice’;
  • Transportation of ill or injured seafarers, including helicopter evacuations;
  • Medical care of sick seafarers involving co-operation with port health authorities or out-patient wards in ports.

Pre-requisites for entry into the course

Candidates, before being accepted into this course, shall have successfully completed the Medical First Aid course, irrespective of the date completed, as set out in the STA-06-401 (STCW Code Section A-VI/4-1) of the SAMSA Code.