Competency in Security Awareness
Competency in Security Awareness
STCW Code A-VI/6-1
Applicable International standard(s)
This standard has been developed to meet the requirements of Security-Awareness as contained in Section A-VI/6, Table A-VI/6-1, Chapter VI of the STCW Code.
Standard of competence (Objectives of the Training)
The training in Security Awareness is for all seafarers serving on seagoing vessels which are required to comply with the requirements of the ISPS Code, on the business of that ship as part of the ship’s compliment without designated security duties. The objective of the training is to ensure that all seafarers have heightened security awareness and vigilance. The objectives and outcomes of the training should be that candidates can:
- Contribute to the enhancement of maritime security through heightened awareness
- Recognise security threats, and
- Understand the need for and methods of maintaining security awareness and vigilance
Pre-requisites for entry into the course
The course is open to all persons who intend serving onboard seagoing merchant vessels and must be of a minimum age of 16 years or older.