Personal Survival Techniques

Personal Survival Techniques

Applicable international standards

This standard has been developed to meet the requirements of Personal Survival Techniques as contained in Section A-VI/1, Table A-VI/1-1, Chapter VI of the STCW Code.

Standard of competence  

The training in Personal Survival Techniques is for all Seafarers employed or engaged in any capacity on board ship on the business of that ship as part of the ship’s complement including some Port Operations vessels. The objective of the training is so that all seafarers understand the basic survival techniques required to survive the perils of the sea.

Objectives and outcomes

Survive at sea in the event of ship abandonment,
Identify emergency situations which may occur,
Identify life-saving equipment normally carried on ships,
Identify and use equipment found in a survival craft,
Locate personal life-saving appliances, and
Understand the principles concerning survival at sea.

Pre-requisites for entry into the course

The course is open to all persons who intend serving on board seagoing merchant vessels and must be of a minimum age of 16 years or older.